Unilateral Hearing Loss & CROS/BiCROS Hearing Solutions
When there is an ear that can’t be helped directly with a hearing aid, the ONLY solution if you want to hear the conversation from that side is a CROS/BiCROS hearing system. There simply is no other alternative solution apart from maybe a bone-anchored type.
Fortunately, due to wireless technology, hearing aids becoming more miniaturised and the prices coming down, finding a cosmetic discreet CROS/BiCROS solution that’s right for you is far easier than it used to be.
Also known as single-sided deafness, unilateral hearing loss is a condition in which the hearing functions normally or significantly better in one ear while the other ear experiences more severe hearing loss. It may be from birth, occur suddenly or gradually but it should always be investigated by your GP, audiologist or ENT.
There are a number of issues that can be experienced due to unilateral hearing loss. For example, trouble following conversations in environments with lots of background noise, like cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants and even in small groups are the most common.
You might also have trouble with being able to tell exactly where a sound is coming from known as localising sound. Unilateral hearing loss interferes with what is known as directional hearing and living with UHL, you might experience increased stress and anxiety as everyday situations are more of a challenge.
What Causes Unilateral Hearing Loss?
Injury & Disease - Physical injuries, such as from car accidents and medical conditions can cause deafness in one ear including beriberi, brittle bone disease, eardrum perforation, Meniere’s disease, swimmer’s ear, Paget’s disease, Reye’s syndrome and shingles, among others.
Loud Noise - There are two types of loud noise that can cause permanent hearing loss - one would be from a sudden very loud noise like that of an explosion or continuous noise such as found in a noisy factory. Someone may have a career where they operate machinery on one side.
Medication Side-Effects - Some medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, aspirin toxicity, and antibiotics can also be culprits.
Tumours - The GP may refer you to the hospital to have a head scan. This is a standard procedure for sudden and fast onset unilateral deafness to rule out the extremely rare occurrence of head tumours affecting the auditory nerve.
Viral Infections - Often it is unknown what causes sudden unilateral hearing loss. Viral infections that affect the inner ear are an educated guess and the real reason may remain unknown. These can sometimes be treated successfully if caught quickly usually within 3 days of contracting. If not, the hearing may still recover fully, partially but may also be permanent.
Despite the multiple causes of unilateral hearing loss and the fact that very few are medically reversible, there are solutions that can help you manage to live with UHL.
360 Hearing From The CROS & BICROS Specialists.
CROS Hearing Aids has an invisible-in-canal CROS/BiCROS solution with Signia Silk CROS X starting from £1,096.
That price includes both the hearing aid and the CROS device!
What Are CROS Hearing Aids?
CROS stands for Contralateral Routing Of Signal i.e routing sound from one side to the opposite side. The sound is picked up by a microphone on the ear with little or no hearing and it is sent over to the good ear.
What Are BiCROS Hearing Aids?
BiCROS stands for Bilateral Microphones with Contralateral Routing Of Signal. This is the same as a CROS except now the better ear also has a hearing loss that requires amplification.
How Do CROS & BiCROS Hearing Aids Work?
Both systems require a CROS device in the unaidable ear (a shell of a hearing aid with a microphone and transmitter) and a regular hearing aid in the good/better hearing ear. Most CROS/BiCROS systems now use advanced wireless technology and function using radio signals. Most manufacturers use small behind-the-ear devices for their CROS and BiCROS systems or larger ITEs and Signia manufactures the world’s smallest invisible-in-canal CROS and BiCROS systems using their Silk style hearing aids. Read Pamela Burton, AuD, Vice President of Product Management and Customer Care, Signia, give a full interview in AudiologyOnline regarding Signia technology and the world’s smallest CROS device.
Hearing loss isn’t always experienced equally in both ears. When there is an unaidable loss in one ear, then a CROS or BiCROS system can be used to route the sound from the poor ear to the better ear. The wearer is then able to hear sounds from all around in the better ear. Sometimes the brain can separate the sounds so that it feels like it’s actually hearing through the poorer ear.
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Signia Silk CROS From The CROS Specialists - CROSHearingAids.com
If you are looking for a discreet, completely-in-the-canal CROS or BiCROS system, then look no further than the Signia Silk, as it’s the world’s only one, and if you want it at a great price, you’re also in the right place! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when searching the internet for CROS/BiCROS-enabled hearing systems so please give one of our experts a call with any questions you might have.